NFSNation Undercover Save Editor

NFSNation (Freeware)

NFSNation Undercover Save Editor is an in-game editing utility in NFS Undercover, another installment in the Need For Speed gaming series released by Electronic Arts. The editing capability of the utility involves modifying cars in the saved games. Career properties of automobiles, including busted number, heat, appearance, and other performance specs can be changed to fit the user’s preferences. The application likewise makes it possible for the player to edit the ride in a manner that removes strikes on the car. When a player’s car ends up getting impounded, he can simply use the editor to reset the strikes back to zero to bring the vehicle back in the game for more action.

The software has other perks for the gamer as it provides access to items, upgrades, bonus goodies, and other levels that are otherwise locked in the game by default. When the user modifies the car to his heart’s content, he can then save it as a customized saved game blueprint. Afterwards, he can upload this blueprint or model to NFSNation’s homepage. Once the model is part of NFSNation’s database, the user can retrieve it or any of his favorite rides at any time. Interestingly, all blueprints uploaded to NFSNation can be accessed and downloaded by other members or players. This goes without saying that the user can access blueprints uploaded by other gamers. As an added benefit, the application lets the user fix checksums of saved models even after the editing has been completed. The only requirement is to make sure that there is a backup of the saved game.