Base (Freeware) Base is a desktop database management application developed by Apache OpenOffice and is written in Java programming language. This application works as GUI frontend for SQL vies, query and table-design. It also offers wizards to assist users in creating Tables, Forms, Queries and Reports. The program includes a group of predefined table definitions, which is used for tracking Invoices, Assets, Sale Orders, Customers and more.

Aside from business use, OpenOffice Base can also be used as a personal database. It offers a full HSQL relational database engine that is made for a single user. All the data will be stored directly to the Base file and supports dBase flat files. For enterprise purposes, this application offers native support drivers for multiuser database engines including MS Access, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Adabas D. It also supports ODBC and JDBC standard drivers that enable users to connect to almost all virtually existing databases.

OpenOffice Base is integrated with all Apache OpenOffice applications. It is integrated with OpenOffice Writer that allows users to supply the address book data for mail and then merge it to Writer using the LDAP protocol. Users can also make linked data ranges in OpenOffice Calc files as chart basis or for data pilot analysis to be used in Base.