Photo! Web Album is a photo album creator for the Web developed by VicMan Software. It lets users create web-ready photo galleries. The application follows the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) system and allows users to view the output in real time. In this way, all the changes made to the web gallery can be seen before the web gallery is generated.
VicMan software’s Web Photo Album offers the following features:
• Built-in Photo Editor – The program includes a built-in photo editor that allows users to perform basic image editing tasks. These include rotating images, redeye removal, color correction, removing noise, and more. All changes made are ONLY saved in the created galleries and not the source images.
• Album Manager – Photo! Web Album also includes a built-in album manager that enables users to manage the albums published on the developer’s photo-sharing service straight to the program’s interface. This manager can be used to view the full details of the albums. It also enables users to get the UBB and HTML codes.
• Album Sharing – The developer has its own online photo-sharing service, which can be integrated with the Web Photo Album. This enables users to share the generated web galleries straight to the photo-sharing service with the need for additional hosting.
Aside from these main features, the application also offers an intuitive interface, drag-and-drop support, and subfolders support.