POP and IMAP Troubleshooter is an email tool developed by Google, Inc. The program’s function is to diagnose issues and problems that occur in connections from email clients to email servers and vice versa. The program supports the most widely used email clients including Windows Mail, Outlook, and Thunderbird. The program analyzes the configuration files and attempts to solve any issues that crop up. It checks the configuration settings of supported email clients and attempts to create a connection. Connections can be POP, SMTP, or IMAP. POP and IMAP Troubleshooter was designed and coded in C++ in the Qt environment. Thus, it can be utilized and customized by email service providers to cater to their particular clients. It can also be used as a generic troubleshooter.
POP and IMAP Troubleshooter offer a wizard interface that enables users to perform complicated troubleshooting functions even if they are non-experts. It scans the email client’s configuration files for the correct settings and makes sure that such settings will ensure a stable email connection with the service providers. The program also enables users to compile an email provider-specific version that can be customized to check for specific constraints including the correct IMAP server name. It can also compile a generic version for attempting connection with random or arbitrary email servers. The program can be built for major operating systems including Mac, Windows, and Linux.