Posh Boutique 2 is a game about fashion that presents players with an interesting premise. Alicia has recently won the lottery and she wants to expand her business. Alicia’s grandmother has given her a fancy clothing line to manage. While on vacation she heard about her good fortune. The next objective for Alicia is to take her business a notch higher with her lottery winnings.
In this video game, the player is challenged to employ advanced time management skills, as well as other skills related to providing excellent customer service. The player can assist potential buyers in looking for the right outfit and get matching accessories.
Posh Boutique 2 has recently been upgraded such that it is more fact-paced than ever, and players get to experience more fun while playing. Here are some of the new features, including:
• brand new mini-games
• new enhancements per location
• store window decorating activities
• new levels on hidden objects
The main challenge in Posh Boutique 2 is to guide Alicia through the different levels of the game such that she attains the goals that she has set for her business. Posh Boutique 2 is a game that appeals to fashion-savvy video game fans—those who have the ability to help Alicia make choices and achieve her dreams.