
Digital Electronics Corp. (Proprietary)

PRJConvert is a development tool designed and produced by Digital Electronics Corp., a Japan-based company. This is an application that enables the conversion of projects in Visual C++ 7.0 to Visual C++ 6.0. Visual C++7.0 may also refer to VC7 or VS2002, while Visual C++ 6.0 is also known as VC6. This tool enables VC7 users to work on VC6 projects that have the .sln (SLN) or .vcproj (VCPROJ) filename extension by converting these to the .dsw (DSW) or .dsp (DSP) format used by VC7. Likewise, DSP and DSW files may also be converted to SLN or VCPROJ.

During the conversion process, data are not changed, corrupted, or lost. This means any source code embedded in the file remains the same. Only changes in the file format are made, i.e. the .sln file is opened and converted into .dsw, while .vcproj file is made as .dsp file. It is simply a conversion tool of a couple of particular file formats into another compatible format.

PRJConvert can be used in a lot of ways or circumstances. One is when a user only has VC6 installed in his computer but needs to create VC7 file projects. A more common reason to use this tool is when users like to use both VC6 and VC7 in