Rename-It! 3.42

Werner BEROUX (Freeware)

Rename-It! is an application that allows users to rename files in different ways. Files can be renamed one by one or in batches. Settings for renaming filters can be found on the main window. The main window displays the location of the file. There are four tabs – setting, about, massive, and single. Under Rename Single File, users can search for a file extension and type in the text to be changed. For batch renaming, users can type in a word on the “From” field and type the replacement word on the “To” field. The program renames the file when the “Rename” button is clicked.

There are three options when adding filters for renaming files – case filter, crop filename, and ID3 reader. All the filenames to be renamed are displayed as a list. There is also a list for all the renamed files.

Here are the other features of the Rename-It! application:

• support for renaming filenames with Unicode characters
• filenames can be changed using the advanced system of enumeration
• support for renaming files through the Windows context (right click) menu
• can be used by novice and advanced computer users
• support for renaming MP3 version 1 and 2, and ID3 tags