Return of The Incredible Machine: Contraptions is a puzzle game developed by Dynamix as the fourth installment to its The Incredible Machine game series. This release was launched in 2000. The objective is to arrange given objects in a complex fashion to perform a specific task. Some objects are interactive and some are fixed to the game environment. This is largely based to Rube Goldberg devices or contraptions that utilize common objects and arranges them in a way that will perform a task but in a needlessly complex way.
Return of The Incredible Machine: Contraptions features common objects like boxes, ropes, and pulleys, among others. Some objects like bowling balls, electrical generators, gears and pinwheels, and even small animals like mice and cats may be utilized. These objects may have specific interactions like balls will roll in one particular direction only or that mice will run directly to cheese. Interactive objects may be moved anywhere around the fixed objects. This game also has a freeform option for object interactions, enabling the users to move all the objects any which way they choose. They may also create puzzles and games that other players may solve.
Return of The Incredible Machine: Contraptions features 250 puzzles that users can solve. It has a 50-level tutorial that provides a hint as to how challenging the game is.