Rhapsody Music Subscription Service is a program that enables users to access music files online. This program contains features that allow users to search for various music tracks and albums, and then download it to their personal computer or in a handheld device such as a smart phone, tablet, or music player. Rhapsody Music Subscription Service has an online database of over 16 million music tracks of various genres and can provide unlimited streaming music through subscription. Aside from the program installer, Rhapsody Music Subscription Service requires an Internet connection to enable users to browser and download music.
Rhapsody Music Subscription Service has a simple interface that is divided into three main parts. The first part is the built-in media player located on the top portion of the screen. This media player contains controls such as play, pause, stop, skip, volume controls, and a seek bar that allows users to play their music files. The next part is the sources tab located on the left side of the program window. This section contains controls that allow users to browse through their music libraries and music channels. This section also allows users to access the Rhapsody Music Guide, burn an audio CD, and create and edit a song playlist from the music library. The final part contains a built-in browser that allows users to search for music online. The search bar allows users to search for music, according to track title, artist, album name, or genre. This section also contains four tabs: What’s New, Music Guide, Channel Guide, Playlist Central, and My Rhapsody.