Softimage is a computer 3D graphics application used in making computer animation, 3D modeling, and 3D computer graphics. It is commonly used in advertising, video game, and film industries for making computer generated environments, objects, characters, and visual effects.
An assortment of tools are provided for graphic production. The application can be better utilized by advanced users but careful study of its features and tools will benefit all kinds of users. A mental ray feature provides careful rendition of how light affects environments and produces realistic ambient light. The Face Robot feature is able to animate character faces in a realistic manner. Realistic facial expressions of the mouth, eyelids, nose, eyebrows, and other facial areas may be produced and customized. A lip-syncing tool animates lips from batches of text and audio files. An Interactive Creative Environment also allows users to create particles, deform models, and rig models for animation, and enables quick content production without the need for scripting. Another feature that makes production efficient and quick is the Generalized Attribute Transfer Operator(GATOR). The latter transfers animation settings, attributes, and textures between models. Textures may also be transferred to high-poly meshes with GATOR. Lastly, Softimage’s multiphysics engine is called Lagua and it creates inelastic, elastic, incompressible, and compressible fluids such as air, clouds, water and slime.