Spiceworks Desktop 1.2.0 (Freeware)

Spiceworks Desktop is an application that offers IT solution for different types of business set ups. It is an all around solution for IT needs. The program provides help desk, network solution, monitoring, reporting, and technical support. Spiceworks provides integrated network system that connects different devices such as printers, PCs, and, servers into one working connection. Information can be shared between computers including patches, software, services as well as importing and exporting of files. The application can determine and display license, price and location of each unit in the network. Spiceworks ensures file security, which prevents unauthorized transfer of data. The application also provides technical support whenever there is troubleshoot. Spiceworks conducts diagnosis, which determines the cause of disruption within the network. A technical solution will be offered once the diagnosis is done. Computers or servers with unwanted program installed, low disk space condition, low ink levels and even offline servers can be detected by the admin user. Multiple monitors can be viewed in the main server by means of securing network connection.

IT helpdesk supports tickets that can notify user whenever an asset within a network is discovered. Reports from different sources can be run using these tickets which are provided by the network system which displays departments and even due dates.