StudioTax 2011 is an income tax calculator specifically designed by BHOK IT Consulting. The program is designed specifically for the taxable year 2011 in Canada. The program supports various income tax scenarios including personal income tax returns, employee income tax returns, and even self-employed income tax returns. The program can be used by individuals, businesses, or even tax professionals. The program is certified by the CRA as compliant with CRA requirements. Revenue Quebec likewise supports this program for provincial tax returns.
StudioTax 2011 features a blue and grey user interface. The menu ribbon provides options for New, Open, Save, Print, Wizard, Dependents, Optimizer, Validate, Forms, EFILE, and Print T183. Even new users can operate the program by clicking on the Wizard option. Users can specify the dependents to take advantage of deductions.
The interface is divided into two: the main display window and a panel on the left side. The left panel features the Tax Explorer folder tree viewer, the Forms tree, and the Summary. The Summary displays the Total Income, Net Income, Taxable Income, Net Federal Tax, Net Provincial Tax, Total Payable, Total Tax Deductions, Refund, and Balance Owing, among others. The bottom bar features tabs to view the T1 General, Federal Forms, Provincial Forms, T Slips, Control Panel, and Help. Each tab can contain several pages depending on the type of forms.