SuperMemo UX is an application used for computer-assisted learning. The application consists of tools for learning. It offers several types of exercises, such as multiple-choice tests, drag and drop quizzes, ordering lists, true or false tests, paraphrases, and many others. The application has a user-friendly interface that enables beginners to perform tasks with the program’s features. The software provides users with a daily study plan to track progress, too.
With the program, users can learn different courses all at the same time. Managers can also select the topics to be taught by choosing the items to include and exclude from the test questions. SuperMemo UX supports multiple user management that allows the program to be used by multiple users even if the program is installed only once. Sound recording and graphics can also be added to the program to enhance the user’s learning experience. Different courses can be downloaded from the program’s website. The course settings can be changed by accessing the main window. Click the ‘change’ link beside the name of the course to make some changes.
Users can also reset the learning process to start from the very beginning. This can be done on the course/reset progress option under the main menu of the application.