SigmaStat is a suite of statistical applications developed by Systat Software, Inc. It allows users to compare data, including statistical effects among groups of people, after and before measured studies. Program users can also inspect proportions and rates, survival analysis, correlation and regression analysis, among other related data. The program collates data via an interface that relays queries to the user – queries regarding the project and the information necessary to it. Upon collection of the data and comparison to a database, the user is presented with the results in a report form. This program works as a standalone, although it has more powerful capabilities when it runs side by side with SigmaPlot.
The user interface is simple and easy to use, especially for computer users who run the Windows operating system on their machines. It integrates with various programs in the Windows Office Suite, and runs much like the Windows Explorer function of the OS. With the interface, users can choose the category of properties and other characteristics in the box on the left side of the main window. SigmaStat can also use information from spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel and use Microsoft PowerPoint to present the data collected from the study’s subjects.