Toki Tori is a puzzle platformer game developed and published by the company, Two Tribes B.V. The main character is a chick named Toki Tori, who is on a mission to rescue his unhatched siblings from their abductor. Toki Tori’s adventure begins when he goes on a journey to the castle, which he suspects is where his siblings are imprisoned. He discovers later on that he possesses special powers that enable him to know where his family is located. He stumbles into a trap door and falls into a slug-infested sewer, which he traverses in order to get to his brothers and sisters. Once he’s gathered all of the eggs, they are swept away by a strong current of water to Bubble Barrage, and underwater land.
At the start of the game, the player has a limited number of tools at his/her disposal but more resources can be gained as the game progresses. Apart from tools, players can also acquire new skills such as short-distance teleporting, building bridges, transporting bricks to open up new areas, and filling gaps with block among many others. In order to proceed to the next stage, the player must be able to collect all eggs and defeat all of the enemies. In this game, the player will have to go through four worlds, each of which becomes more difficult.