TweakVista is a small utility designed to make working with the Microsoft Windows Vista more efficient. The program was developed by Stardock Corporation and released on May 2010. The program simplifies Vista’s complicated interface into a more user-friendly one. The GUI features a navigation tab with 10 options including Start Up and Resources, Power, Security, and Miscellaneous tweaks, among others. Each tab launches another panel showing the specific tools for each category. Some categories feature pre-configured profiles that users will find helpful.
TweakVista offers several features. It provides comprehensive security handling through User Accounts Control function. The program also includes memory optimization options through profiles to accommodate different needs by the user. Resource Control options enable users to tweak the CPU, RAM, and other system values. Start-Up management options allow users to specify the programs to launch during Startup. The program also provides a preview on each program to allow users to determine which programs to retain on Startup and which ones to deactivate. TweakVista also offers Performance Assessment tools that enable users to benchmark the components of the system. It also provides analysis tools to monitor the cost of use of particular programs, as well as their carbon footprint.
TweakVista launches Snapshots. This tool enables users to monitor the changes in the system from a software perspective. This is different from Microsoft’s System Restore Points which is also called snapshots.