VAIO Gate is a utility application that enables users to quickly access their favorite multimedia and entertainment programs. This application lightweight, portable, and is readily available for download in the Internet. VAIO Gate has a user-friendly and intuitive interface that only requires simple installation and configuration. VAIO Gate is a default install in some laptop and notebook computers manufactured by Sony under the VAIO brand.
Upon installation, VAIO Gate becomes integrated onto the user’s desktop. Users can access the application by moving the cursor over the top portion of their desktop. This action scrolls down the VAIO Gate application that shows a list of files and program shortcuts. VAIO Gate provides a list of shortcuts for various types of programs such as the user’s browser, MS Office applications, multimedia players, hardware programs, and gaming applications. Users can view the description of the linked file or program by moving the cursor over its icon. The program can then be accessed by clicking or touching the shortcut. VAIO Gate organizes the user’s media into three categories: Photos headed by a camera icon, Music represented by a music note icon, and Videos represented by a film strip icon. VAIO Gate can also display RSS feeds that recommend web pages and links.
VAIO Gate shortcuts can be customized by clicking and dragging the program icon from their desktop to the application list. Users can also configure various display options for VAIO Gate in the settings portion. Users may choose to load the application during startup or to keep VAIO Gate minimized or hidden.