Wisegal is a television drama that is centered on the life and career of the character named Patty Montanari. She is a widow, a mother of two, and an employee of an infamous crime family in Brooklyn. The game of the same name was released by Merscom and it is a follow-up to the television program. The main challenge of the game is for the player, taking the character of Patty Montanari, to find a series of hidden objects without being discovered.
The game is set in a mafia styled environment. Part of the story of Wisegal is Patty Montanari's decision to leave the crime family which did not go smoothly with the big bosses. This led to the abduction of one of her sons. As she scours through the different levels, the main objective is to retrieve the specified objects in the hopes of trading them for the son. Aside from discovering hidden objects, the search for the son also involves solving mini mysteries throughout the game.
All of the items that need retrieving can be found on a list on the right hand side of the gameplay interface. Hints are available during the course of the game but they come in limited quantities. Unlocking rooms may pose a challenge as players need to solve puzzles to gain access to the keys. When items have been retrieved, they will immediately be ticked off the list. As soon as all of the items have been recovered, the player will move up a level.