X-Edit 2.70

DigiTech (Freeware)

X-Edit is a VM/CMS visual editor developed by Digitech and first released on 1980. It utilizes block mode IBM 3270 terminals. It functions like modern PC and UNIX editors but with more line-orientation functionality. It also features command line functionality enabling users to perform arbitrary editor commands. This program also features automatic line numbers and a block line command operation.

The X-Edit typical screen layout features a top line that shows the file name, file type, file mode, record format, and record length separated by a space. This is followed by Trunc=, Size=, Line=, Col=, and Alt=. Every line starts with ===== which provides space for line numbers. This can also be used to enter line applicable X-Edit prefix commands. The X-Edit command line is the line right before the bottom line. This line can be used to execute commands like moving TABS marker line, moving current line factor, and moving PREFIX line position. Other commands include defining displayed lines by scope, accessing typewriter mode, changing the prefix lines, and eliminating the Top of File/End of File lines, among others. The command line can also be used to execute commands to define displayed columns, changing the screen foreground and background colors, and displaying or eliminating SHADOW or SCALE lines. These commands may be assigned to any of IBM 3270 12 or 24 program function keys. X-Edit macros are compatible with EXEC, EXEC2, and REXX.